Board Committees Composition

Composition of Board of Directors

Name of the Member/Chairman Designation
Mr. Shailesh Khaitan Chairaman & Managing Director
Mr. Utsav Khaitan Joint Managing Director
Mr. Jagdish Lal Jajoo Whole Time Director
Ms. Payal Gupta Independent Women Director
Mr. Deepak Kumar Khemka Independent Director
Mr. Inder Jit Singh Independent Director

Composition of various committees

Audit Committee
Name of the Member/Chairman Designation
Mr. Deepak Kumar Khemka Chairman
Mr. Inder Jit Singh Member
Ms. Payal Gupta Member
Nomination And Remuneration Committee
Name of the Member/Chairman Designation
Mr. Deepak Kumar Khemka Chairman
Mr. Inder Jit Singh Member
Ms. Payal Gupta Member
Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee
Name of the Member/Chairman Designation
Mr. Inder Jit Singh Chairman
Mr. Deepak Kumar Khemka Member
Ms. Payal Gupta Member
Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
Name of the Member/Chairman Designation
Mr. Jagdish Lal Jajoo Chairman
Mr. Utsav Khaitan Member
Mr. Inder Jit Singh Member
Mr. Deepak Kumar Khemka Member
Ms. Payal Gupta Member
Risk Management Committee
Name of the Member/Chairman Designation
Mr. Utsav Khaitan Chairman
Ms. Payal Gupta Member
Mr. Deepak Kumar Khemka Member

Note: Company Secretary of the Company shall act as Secretary of the Committees of the Board.