Investors Information

Contact details of Key Managerial Personnel authorised to determine materiality of events:

Shri Shailesh Khaitan, Chairman & Managing Director or Shri Utsav Khaitan, Joint Managing Director or Shri Harsh Vardhan Agnihotri, President & Chief Financial Officer or Ms. Sejal Maheshwari, Company Secretary & Compliance Officer of the Company is authorized by the Board to determine materiality of event for disclosure to the Stock Exchanges under Regulation 30(5) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), Regulations, 2015.

The Contact details of said KMPs are:

Name Designation Email Id Telephone No.
Shri Shailesh Khaitan Chairman & Managing Director
Shri Utsav Khaitan Joint Managing Director
Shri Harsh Vardhan Agnihotri President & Chief Financial Officer
Ms. Sejal Maheshwari Company Secretary & Compliance Officer